She leaves to mourn, yet
cherish her memory, two sons & daughters in law, Jimmy D. Sr & Margo
Frazier, Stephen Jr. & Marilyn Taylor; 2 daughters & son in law, Theresa & James Lawrence & LaJuanna
Taylor; 3 brothers, 2 sisters, 15 grandchildren, 21 great grandchildren, 1
great great grandson; nieces, nephews, a host of other relatives & friends.
Services will be 11 am
Saturday, December 7, 2019 at Victory Worship Center. Interment will follow in Laird Cemetery,
Pocola. Pallbearers will be her
grandsons, Jimmy Frazier Jr., Allen Rogers, Michael Rogers, Bryant Taylor,
David Myers & Daniel Myers. The
family will be at the funeral home in
Pocola on Friday evening from 5-8 pm to visit with relatives & friends.
Sister Taylor take your rest warrior! Prayers to entire family, from distant cousin and former member of City of Refuge COGIC in OKC!
Free Will Spirit Church of God in Christ
2630 Northwest 3rd Street
Ocala, Florida 34475
Whereas, it has pleased the Eternal Father, to remove Mother Lucille Taylor from her earthly labor, and whereas the years of her womanhood were reservedly given to the cause of Christianity and religious service. She at all times exemplified a cheerful, saintly and Christ like spirit, and she will indeed be missed by her many friends.
Be it resolved that we bow in humble submission to him who doeth all things well, for in that great awakening morning we shall all meet our loved ones around the dazzling throne of glory, where parting shall be no more and where peace will abide throughout eternity.
We express our sincere sympathy to her beloved family and relatives; that we pledge ourselves to emulate her loyalty to Christ and His cause; to encourage those left behind to carry out her ideas and dreams; for we are comforted in the thought that her good works will follow her, while she rests from her labor.
Resolved lastly, that a copy of this resolution be given to the bereaved family and a copy be placed in our records.
Loving and kind in all your ways
So willing to help, so quick to praise
Sincere and true in your heart and mind
Beautiful memories you left behind
Prayerfully submitted,
Elder Frank E. Woods Sr., Pastor
Minister Frank E. Woods Jr., Assistant Pastor
Missionary Angela Thagard-Foster, Clerk
Sister Valerie Woods-Greene, Correspondence Clerk
Lucille will always be in my heart. To know Lucille was to love her. My family had just moved from NC to Ft. Smith when I was a child. Lucille came to work for our family and she was a part of our family. I am 70 now and haven't lived in Ft. Smith for many years, but Lucille and I always stayed in touch. She sang a solo at my wedding over 40 years ago. She was a best friend and we shared our hearts with each other. She was a joy to be with and we were always laughing together. Because the Lord was her Savior, and mine, I know I will see her again, and we will have eternity to share memories. I pray that all her family she left behind will give their hearts and lives to the Lord, so they will all see her again. She will live on in all our memories until we get together again in our forever home. Until that day, I love you Lully (my nickname for her). Jeanne Mott
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