Christine F. Glenn Bacon,
67, of Wister, OK passed away Wednesday, October 28, 2015 in Ft. Smith,
AR. Christine was born October 16, 1948
in Heavener, OK to Raymond & Elsie (Brannon) Oliver. She was preceded in death by her parents; and
three brothers, Jimmy Lee, Eudell and Eldred Box; son, Mark Glenn.
Survivors include her
husband, Ron of the home; daughter & son in law, Shelly & Cliff Morgan
of Wister, OK; grandchildren, Clayton, Craig, Shaylee, Norman, Ethan, Shaylena,
Joseph, Kadence, Talina and Dakota; 5 Great Grandchildren; brother, Athel Ray
Box of Fanshawe, OK; other relatives, loved ones and friends.
Services will be 2 pm
Friday, October 30, 2015 at Ellis Chapel Church, Wister, OK with Bro. Clyde
Steelman officiating. Interment will
follow in Ellis Chapel Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Allen & David Bacon, Simon Billy, Jimmy Joe Box,
Brad Knight and Bill Meeh.
"God's Garden"
God looked around;His Garden and found an empty place;
He then looked down upon the Earth;and saw your tired face;
He put "His Arms" around you and lifted you to rest;
With the help of" His Angels" they flew you to your Heavenly Nest";
God's Garden must be "Beautiful"He" always takes the "Best";
He knew you were suffering;
He knew you were in pain;
He knew that you would never get well on the earth again;
He saw the" Road" was getting "Rough" and the "Hills" too" Hard" to "Climb;"
He closed your weary eyelids; "And He Whispered"Peace By Thine";
It broke or hearts to lose you but; you didn't go alone;
For part of us went with you the; "Day God";called you home!
You'll Be Missed ;"Auntie Christine"!
My "Beautiful "Auntie Christine;"
you gave me some of the fondest memories as a child.
You was always such a big part of my life growing up and showed me so much love.
What I'm going to miss most about you is your laugh & the way you could Lite up a room when you entered with your sweet soft spoken voice;
I love you so very much;"Auntie Christine"
I'm sure going to miss you!
Weeping may endure for a night;but joy cometh in the morning;Psalms 30:5
When tomorrow starts without me;
And I'm not there to see;
If the sun should rise and find your eyes;
All filled with tears for me;
I wish so much you wouldn't cry;
The way you did today;
While thinking of the many things;
We didn't get to say;
I know how much you love me;
As much as I love you;
And each time that you think of me;
I know You'll miss me too;
But when tomorrow starts without me;
Please try to understand ;
That an "Angel"came and called my name;
And took me by the hand;
And said my place was ready;
In "Heaven";far above;
And that I'd have to leave behind;
All those I dearly love;
But as I turned to walk away;
A tear fell from my eyes;
For all my life;I'd always thought;
I didn't want to die;
I had so much to live for;
So much left yet to do;
It seemed almost impossible that I was leaving you all;
I thought of all the yesterday's;
The good ones and the bad;
I thought of all the love we shared;
And all the fun we had;
If I could re- live yesterday;
Just even for awhile;
I'd say good-bye and kiss you;
And maybe see you smile;
But then I fully realized;
That this could never be;
For emptiness and memories;
Would take the place of me;
And when I thought of wordly things;
I might miss tomorrow as;
I thought of you;
And when I did;
My heart was filled with sorrow;
But when I walked through;"Heavens Gates";
I felt so much at home;
When "God"looked down and smiled at me;
From "HIS" Great Golden Throne";
"He"said;"This Is Eternity";
And all "I've Promised You";
Today;" Your Life";on Earth is past;
But here;" Life";starts;"Anew ;
You have been so;"Faithful";so" Trusting";and so;
"True";though there were times"You";did somethings;
You knew you shouldn't do;
But ;"You Have Been Forgiven";
And now at last;" You're Free";
So wont you come and take "My Hand";
And share;"My Life";with "Me";
So when tomorrow starts without ;"Me";
Dont think "We're" far apart;
For every time" You"think of;"Me";
"I'm ";right here in;" You're Heart";
I Love And Miss You;
"Auntie Christine"
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